吃喝玩樂住在上海 地鐵11號線 地鐵1號線 地鐵9號線 徐家匯站 特色餐廳 頭條


本文作者: 小閻羅王


雖然在上海住了很多年, 但以前都沒有常吃上海菜. (通常都是客人來, 吃吃小南國, 蘇浙匯等..)
Even though having lived in Shanghai for many years, I haven’t really tried many Shanghainese foods in the past.

現在又回來後,決定來慢慢開發上海好吃好玩的. 好不容易訂到了許多人一致推薦的小白樺.雖然是訂weekday的晚餐,但是他還是大排長龍。就算有訂位我們還是等了一陣子。
Now that I have grown up and move back to Shanghai, I decided to explore more about local Chinese life. One day, my friend and I booked a famous Shanghainese restaurant – Xiao Bai Hua.
It was a weekday evening; our reservation was 7:45pm for 10 ppl. We arrived around 7:30pm.

I have to say, it is a difficult place to find. It’s in an alley, and the signage was small and dark! If you are going there by taxi, you can easily miss it.


Anyway, there was still a huge line up when we arrived. By the time we went it, it’s about 8:15pm. While waiting, something that caught our attention was that people who came out were mostly Taiwanese?! If it was a famous Shanghainese restaurant, why wasn’t there many local Chinese? The answer pops out right after we started eating, cuz is modified Shanghainese food! Not too bad, it fits Taiwanese flavors (less salty and less sweet). Since we have 10 ppl that day, we ordered almost all the popular dishes.

Their interior decoration is warm and cozy.

小菜 – 醃蘿蔔 : 還不錯,很脆很新鮮
Appetizer – Marinated Raddish: pretty good, fresh and crunchy

小菜 – 醃小黃瓜 : 大力推薦!跟外面餐廳的小黃瓜完全不一樣,他們是先將小黃瓜削成薄片然後卷起來,所以味道更入味,而且更脆。
Appetizer – Marinated Cucumber: Yummy! Strongly recommend~ unlike other restaurants, they cut the cucumber into this layer and made it into rolls, somehow made the flavor better soaked into the cucumber!

小菜 – 海蜇皮 : 也蠻好吃的,配上旁邊的醬,酸中帶甜,也是很清爽的一道菜。
Appetizer – Jellyfish with vinegar: taste good too~ a good dish to try!

小菜 – 素鵝 : 也是一道值得推薦的菜。外皮十分酥脆,但卻不油膩!
Appetizer – Vegetarian Goose (made of deep fried bean curd skin, stuffed with mushroom: recommended dish too!!

小菜 – 上海熏魚 : 經典上海料理,好吃!值得推薦, 做的很酥脆入味,連骨頭都可以吞掉呢!
Appetizer – Smoked fish: very traditional shanghainese food, recommended dish too~ They’ve made it very crispy; you can even eat the bones!

油蔥雞 : 基本上這是臺灣菜吧?懷念家鄉味的時候可以點點看。
Spring onion Chicken in hot oil: taste good too, but to me, this is a very Taiwanese dish.

家常排骨 : 也不錯吃,外酥內嫩。
Deep Friend Porkchop: not bad! Crunchy at the outside, and juicy at inside, is a dish reflecting the chief’s control on fire.

蒜香蟶子 : 必點料理! 蟶子的鮮味完全被帶出來, 大力推薦!
Stir fried Razor Clam with garlic: Another must order dish (thumb up). Garlic totally bring out the freshness of the clam, this was one of my favorite that day!

炒鱔魚 : 跟之前吃的做法大不一樣, 對我而言有點油膩.
Stir-fried Sliced Eel: quite different from what I had before, a little bit oily to me.

紅燒肉 : 跟其他紅燒肉也不一樣, 完全改良過的紅燒肉. 不會太甜, 而且用的瘦肉比較多, 還加入豆乾去燒, 所以味道也不會太鹹.
Braised Pork in Soy sauce: not bad, definitely a modified version. They added bean curd in the dish, so it’s not too salty. The pork wasn’t too fattening, there is a good portion of the slim meat.

鹹蛋黃南瓜條 : 小白樺的特色菜,一定要會點的料理。中式的薯條。
Deep-fried Pumkin Slice with salted egg yolk: most well-known dish of the restaurant. You may simply think of it as Chinese French fries.

筍子燉魚湯 : 好喝阿,天氣冷的時候很適合來上一鍋。但是建議人夠多再點,因為很巨的一鍋!
Fish with Bamboo soup: very tasty! Perfect dish for the coming winter. It is super big, so order it when you have enough ppl to share.

獅子頭 : 是按照顆數來點的,建議2-3人share一顆嘗味道就好,一顆還蠻大粒的。
“Lion’s Head” : Chinese meatball, something recommendable too. You can order is by pcs, and itz pretty big, enough for 2-3 person to share one pc.

八寶飯 : 當晚我心目中的冠軍料理!一定要吃,是我目前所吃過的八寶飯中最好吃的(雖然有點太油). 飯本身有點淡淡的甜味,再加上裏面綿密的豆沙泥,甜而不膩的味道讓我回味到現在~
Chinese Rice Pudding: My favorite for the day!! A MUST try! Totally different from the rice pudding I had at any other place. It is pan-fried sweeten sticky rice with red bean paste. Their red bean paste is very smooth and not too sweet. It’s a bit oily, but doesn’t affect my love to this dish. The best dessert to called an end for your night!

Overall, it’s still a pretty delicious restaurant. If you wanted to try traditional Shanghainese food, but cannot get used to the local flavors, this is definitely the place for you to visit. Not a cool place to treat your VIP customers, but a good place to bring your friends over. But always remember to make a reservation in advance!


No.3, Alley 297, Wan Pin Rd, Xu Hui District




